
Gearing Up for 2024 With Leather

Gearing Up for 2024 With Leather

Gearing Up for 2024 With Leather

Product Updates and News

7 min

Jan 9, 2024

The Ordinals hype we saw in 2023 was a boon for the Bitcoin ecosystem. It challenged every project to build towards a future full of innovation and exploration on the world’s oldest blockchain.

This included Leather. If 2023 showed us anything, it’s that today’s Bitcoin wallets must ensure that their users receive quality access to new developments on the Bitcoin network. During the year, our team refined our values, goals, strategies, and process towards delivering a best-in-class app user experience to make Leather the most dependable – and popular – Bitcoin wallet.

The result? We think 2023’s numbers speak for themselves:

  • 168,000 extension installations by EOY, a growth of 151% in 2023

  • 59,000 monthly active extension users, an increase of 392%

  • 236,000 monthly transactions, up 306% 

But how, exactly, did we get there? Let’s break down what was a banner year for Leather and what our users can look forward to in 2024.

In 2023, We Introduced Bitcoin Users to Leather

We debuted our new Bitcoin wallet brand, Leather, in August 2023. Our rebrand from Hiro Wallet to Leather came with a whole new look intended to reflect the modern, ever-changing nature of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

But there was more to our rebrand than that. Ultimately, Leather was launched as a brand dedicated to making Bitcoin – and Bitcoin Web3, for that matter – more accessible for all wallet users. It marked our commitment not only to the innovations being built on the Bitcoin network, but also to our community members. 

You can read more about Leather’s brand identity and the goals that drove our brand launch in our blog. 

Putting Users at the Forefront of Bitcoin Web3

As we mentioned, Bitcoin users need a dependable Bitcoin wallet that can keep up with new developments happening on the blockchain. The flurry of activity following the launch of Ordinals really cemented that the modern day Bitcoin wallet needs to accommodate more than basic Bitcoin transactions.

But it must also do so while keeping user experience in mind. Our focus on delivering an easy-to-use, quality Bitcoin wallet experience helped us strengthen our position as the premier wallet producer for Stacks as an L2 platform in a year where we:

  • Released functional support for Bitcoin, Ordinals, BRC-20 tokens, and Stamps

  • Launched a “swaps” feature that showcased our dedication to user-centric functionality

  • Integrated Ledger hardware wallet support

  • Conducted ongoing research and design efforts for a “Bridge” feature 

  • Expanded our API to include Bitcoin-specific endpoints like PSBT and message signing

  • Released a web-based Stacking experience in time for PoX2, providing an accessible interface for new features like cycle extensions and top-ups

With so many new developments, we also wanted Leather users to feel that they had all the tools and resources needed to understand what our apps had to offer. Along with our rebrand, we rolled out content on multiple platforms so that Leather users could enjoy:

  • 24-hour, around-the-clock support on a personalized basis

  • An X account that introduces users to the latest trends in the Bitcoin ecosystem and provides walkthroughs of different wallet functions

  • Our rebranded website with a blog and Learn Center for announcements and educational guides about Bitcoin wallets and Web3 

  • User guides for step-by-step instructions on how to conduct wallet transactions and other activity

  • Developer docs that outline how to integrate Leather into projects

What’s In Store For 2024?

This year, we want to really establish Leather as the highest-quality Bitcoin wallet on the market. For those of you wondering what’s next for Leather, our team is gearing up for: 

  • A Leather mobile app for users to access your tokens and collectibles on the go

  • An expansion of our Bitcoin wallet apps across mobile, web, and desktop with a focus on integrating even more Bitcoin-based transaction user flows

  • sBTC and its ability to help Leather bridge liquidity from Stacks to Bitcoin

  • Even more comprehensive user materials and developer resources to make our brand the most accessible among wallet providers

  • A greater emphasis on user interviews and tests to ensure that our Bitcoin wallet is built with a deep understanding of their long-term needs

Our vision is for Leather to be the gold standard among Bitcoin wallet brands, built to last so that users can explore Bitcoin Web3 knowing that they have a reliable hub to come back to. This doesn’t just apply to the app itself; to us, a complete Bitcoin wallet user experience also involves everything from delivering best-in-class in-app UX to ensuring code health and producing content geared towards users' needs. 

So here’s to another year of building on Bitcoin and – most importantly – to bringing Bitcoin to the rest of us. 

Connect to web3 applications built on Bitcoin with the Leather browser extension. Install Leather – the only wallet you need to tap into the multilayered Bitcoin economy – today.