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What is OP_CAT?

Annie Pei


Rena Shah

General Wallet Use

Last Updated 1/7/25

Last Updated 1/7/25

OP_CAT is an opcode in which users would be able to combine different pieces of information within a script, thereby making the creation of complex transactions easier. With OP_CAT, developers could combine different data pieces within a script to enrich the scripting language’s capabilities and expand the network’s security capabilities.

History of OP_CAT

OP_CAT is an abbreviation for operation code concatenate. It was included in the original Bitcoin stack by Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. It was designed to facilitate joining two data elements within a script, making the process of creating more complex transactions easier. 

The goal of OP_CAT was to enrich the scripting language’s capabilities and expand the capabilities of the network. Satoshi viewed OP_CAT as a pivotal advancement for Bitcoin’s scripting language. He believed that by incorporating OP_CAT, Bitcoin could transcend its role as a simple peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

Satoshi wanted to turn Bitcoin into a platform that would be able to support more complex smart contract functionality and generalized logical spending conditions. He thought that OP_CAT would create an environment in which developers would be empowered to develop more innovative use cases and applications, which could lead to more people adopting and using Bitcoin.

The Initial Vote Against OP_CAT

However, Satoshi disabled OP_CAT in 2010 when the proposal to implement OP_CAT failed. Potential security risks from implementing OP_CAT were one major concern that many Bitcoin users had. For example, some argued that OP_CAT could be exploited to perform denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or impose exponential memory requirements. These issues would pose serious threats to the network’s stability and security.

Because of the security risks, the Bitcoin community felt growing apprehensions about implementing OP_CAT. Therefore, despite Satoshi’s fervent support for its adoption, a consensus was never reached.

OP_CAT and Quantum Cats

Quantum Cats is an Ordinals collection launched with the goal of bringing back interest in OP_CAT. Created by Taproot Wizards, proponents of OP_CAT, Quantum Cats is meant to showcase the potential advantages of reintroducing OP_CAT into Bitcoin’s scripting language. The Quantum Cats NFT collection is made up of 3,333 cat images and cost $66,000 to create. 

Quantum Cats played an important part in amplifying the voices of those who supported the reinstatement of OP_CAT. By providing a platform that fostered discussions, presentations, and collaborative efforts, Quantum Cats could energize arguments in favor of OP_CAT more effectively. Quantum Cat used research findings, use case demonstrations, and community engagement to present a compelling case for OP_CAT's reinstatement.

What Could OP_CAT Do for Bitcoin?

  • More complex smart contracts: One of the biggest benefits that OP_CAT could do for Bitcoin is providing Bitcoin users the ability to create more smart contracts. By lowering the required number of opcodes users would need to manipulate data, OP-CAT would then enable the creation of more complex and efficient smart contracts. These new smart contractors would then cause transaction sizes and fees to become smaller.

  • Security features and risks: OP_CAT supporters have argued that it could enable various security mechanisms, such as “safe addresses” that could help users retrieve the contents inside their wallets in case their keys get compromised. However, those against OP_CAT are worried that implementing the opcode would lead to unforeseen security risks and vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. 

  • Easy to make smart contracts, but a more complex system: OP_CAT would be able to make the process of creating smart contracts much simpler by allowing developers to more easily create new applications. However, some have argued that in exchange for simplifying the development process, it would make Bitcoin much less simple and efficient to use, as OP_CAT’s complex scripts would cause the system to become strained, causing transactions to take longer and be more costly. 

Debating the Necessity

Opponents of OP_CAT question whether it’s even necessary, especially with new Bitcoin layer 2 solutions (L2s). Detractors argue that L2 technologies, such as the Lightning Network, already provide scalability, privacy, and smart contact functionalities without the need for additional opcodes in Bitcoin like OP_CAT. From their perspective, integrating OP_CAT into Bitcoin’s protocol could introduce unnecessary complexity and unforeseen security vulnerabilities. 

Pros of OP_CAT

  • Enhanced smart contract functionality: OP_CAT could enable more sophisticated smart contracts on the Bitcoin network, expanding its utility beyond simple transactions.

  • Greater flexibility: By reintroducing OP_CAT, developers would have access to a broader set of Bitcoin script capabilities, facilitating innovative use cases and dApps.

  • Improved layer 2 development: Op_CAT could streamline Layer 2 solutions by providing essential functionalities for the construction of trustless bridges, decentralized exchanges, and other off-chain protocols. 

Cons of OP_CAT

  • Security risks: Despite advancements in Bitcoin’s security infrastructure, reintroducing OP_CAT could enable new attack vectors or vulnerabilities like a service DoS attack. 

  • Complexity overhead: Integrating OP_CAT would add complexity to the network’s codebase and maintenance processes, requiring thorough testing and validation. 

OP_CAT Use Cases

  • Covenants: OP_CAT can use covenants, which set conditions on how unspent transaction output (UTXO) can be spent, to create on-chain allow lists that provide specific addresses that are granted permission to receive funds. OP_CAT can also use covenants to make more flexible smart contracts by allowing data concatenation, which thereby imposes complex transaction conditions.

  • “Vaults”: OP_CAT would be able to create "vaults," a sort of smart contract that enforces a series of strict conditions to be observed if a user wants to access their funds. “Vaults” also may require additional approvals or steps.

  • Interoperability between blockchains: OP_CAT can allow the seamless and secure transfer of assets and funds between Bitcoin and other blockchains and Layer 2 solutions. This can be achieved by facilitating the construction of off-chain protocols such as decentralized exchanges and trustless bridges.

When and How Will OP_CAT Be Activated?

In April 2024, OP_CAT received a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) number, 347. The reason this is significant is because a BIP number is a requirement that must be fulfilled in order to start the Bitcoin implementation process.

However, this does not guarantee that OP_CAT will be implemented. A proposal to implement OP_CAT is being debated amongst Bitcoin users and will need the approval of a majority of the network’s stakeholders. However, according to Cointelegraph, “StarkWare CEO Eli Ben Sasson said he expects OP_CAT… to go live sometime within the next 12 months.”

Why Do Some Developers Want OP_CAT Back?

In the last decade, Bitcoin’s technology has improved significantly, addressing many of the security concerns that led to OP_CAT’s removal. For example, when the Taproot Upgrade was introduced, one notable feature it introduced was BIP 342. This modified Bitcoin’s scripting language to read Schnoor signatures, causing it to become more private and efficient. This improved Bitcoin’s scripting environment enough that it can now handle OP_CAT’s functionality. 

Proponents of OP_CAT have argued that at least some of the reasons that made OP_CAT implementation potentially dangerous in 2010 are no longer relevant or not as serious. Advances in network protocols, cryptographic techniques, and consensus mechanisms have built an environment in which OP_CAT could provide important features to Bitcoin's scripting language without compromising network security.

Challenges and Concerns

  • Security risks: Implementing OP_CAT, like any new opcode, into Bitcoin’s scripting language may lead to unforeseen security risks. If OP_CAT is not implemented properly, then the Bitcoin system could potentially be weakened, causing it to become more susceptible to hacking. 

  • Straining the Bitcoin network: Linking together different data values can bloat script sizes, which leads to the consumption of more block size. The larger the block size taken up, the less efficient Bitcoin will be, as transactions will take longer and be more expensive to process. 

  • Consensus: Regardless of how beneficial or popular OP_CAT may be, it won’t be implemented until it acquires a consensus from the Bitcoin community. Any change to the Bitcoin system must first be approved by a majority of Bitcoin’s stakeholders, and the process of getting that consensus can be long and arduous.

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When can we expect to see OP_CAT?

When can we expect to see OP_CAT?

When can we expect to see OP_CAT?

What does OP_CAT do in Bitcoin transactions?

What does OP_CAT do in Bitcoin transactions?

What does OP_CAT do in Bitcoin transactions?

Is OP_CAT still used in Bitcoin today?

Is OP_CAT still used in Bitcoin today?

Is OP_CAT still used in Bitcoin today?

How does OP_CAT differ from other Bitcoin opcodes?

How does OP_CAT differ from other Bitcoin opcodes?

How does OP_CAT differ from other Bitcoin opcodes?