
5 Use Cases for Bitcoin Ordinals

5 Use Cases for Bitcoin Ordinals

5 Use Cases for Bitcoin Ordinals

Bitcoin Ordinals

5 min

Jul 16, 2024

Bitcoin Ordinals have sparked significant innovations within the Bitcoin ecosystem. However, when Ordinals are mentioned, many people immediately think of art inscriptions.

In reality, Bitcoin Ordinals are inscriptions on individual satoshis (sats) that carry any unique data. While this data can indeed be digital art, it is not limited to it.

In this article, we will explore five compelling use cases for Ordinals.

Bitcoin Ordinals Use Cases


The gaming industry has been one of the foremost beneficiaries of blockchain technology. Historically, in-game assets held no real-world value, but this changed with the integration of blockchain into gaming. One of the most exciting developments in this area is the use of Bitcoin Ordinals within the gaming ecosystem, giving rise to what are known as Ordinal games.

Ordinal games are lines of code compressed into single HTML files and inscribed on satoshis. These games, due to the 4 MB block space limit on the Bitcoin blockchain, are typically lightweight. However, developers have ingeniously employed recursion to encode larger and more complex games onto the Bitcoin blockchain.

When playing Ordinal games, you're interacting directly with the code on the Bitcoin blockchain. Examples of popular ordinal games include Tetris with Ordinals ID #35,043,603, PacMan with Ordinals ID #189,058, DOOM with Ordinals ID #466, Snake with Ordinals ID #142, and Zork with Ordinals ID #146.

Data Storage

Bitcoin Ordinals introduced a new and innovative way to store data on chain. Thus, they can provide a secure method for storing important information.

The inscribed data benefits from Bitcoin’s immutability, and there is almost no limit to the kind of data that can be inscribed. They can range from certificates to documentation and data requiring integrity and transparency. For instance, certificate data inscribed on the blockchain can be accessed and verified globally. 

Supply chain Tracking and Verification

Luxury brands and industries can leverage Bitcoin Ordinals for supply chain tracking and verification. Companies can ensure the authenticity and integrity of their products by inscribing detailed information about a product’s origin, manufacturing process, and distribution onto the Bitcoin blockchain. This helps combat counterfeiting and provides consumers with transparent and verifiable information about the products they purchase. 

The use of Bitcoin Ordinals in supply chain management enhances trust and accountability, enabling businesses to maintain high standards of quality and authenticity while giving consumers confidence in their purchases.

Ordinals-Gated DAOs

Bitcoin Ordinals as access keys have the potential to improve Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) as we know it. Each member’s Ordinal would serve as a unique identifier, ensuring only authorized individuals can participate in the governance and activities of the DAO.

This can enhance security and facilitate the operation of DAOs by leveraging Bitcoin’s immutability.

Digital Art

Digital art is by far the most popular use case of Bitcoin Ordinals. This can be attributed to popular ordinal collections like Quantum Cats, Taproot Wizards, and Runestones, among others. Unlike NFTs, where your work is not directly on the blockchain, Ordinals empower creators by allowing them to inscribe their work directly onto the Bitcoin blockchain. Known for its high level of security, the Bitcoin blockchain not only helps creators gain a new audience for their work but also ensures the security and immutability of their creations.

When it comes to Ordinals, many artists have also been selective about which sats, in particular, they inscribe their art on. Some sats are more common while others – like rare sats – are considered to be more unique:

  • Mythic: The first ever sat mined on the Genesis Block by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 and only one of it exists. This block contains an embedded message referencing the 2008 financial crisis: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” The mythic status of this sat stems from its unique place in Bitcoin history, making it the ultimate prize for collectors.

  • Common: As the name implies, these make up about 99% of all satoshis. Despite their higher availability, they hold value due to their unique properties and the growing interest in ordinal collectibles. Common sats are created with every block mined on the Bitcoin network, except for the first Sat of each block.

  • Uncommon: The first satoshi of each new block added to the Bitcoin blockchain, indicating the start of a new set of transactions. These sats are rarer than their common counterparts, offering a higher level of exclusivity.

  • Black sats: They are also rare and are characterized by being the last satoshi in a block, signifying the end of a transaction.

  • Rare: The first satoshis created when a new block is mined after a difficulty adjustment period, which occurs every 2016 blocks, or roughly every two weeks. This adjustment leads to the creation of rare sats, which are significantly scarcer and highly sought after by serious collectors.

  • Epic: Created right after a halving event, the first satoshi to be mined within the first block of a halving epoch. Generally after every 210,000 blocks have been mined, about every four years. There are currently only about 32 epic sats in existence, making them prized possessions in the ordinal collectibles space.

  • Legendary: These unique sats are created during a major event when a halving and difficulty adjustment coincide, marking a new cycle on the Bitcoin network. This conjunction is expected to happen every 24 years, with the first occurrence projected in 2032. The first sats mined right after this event are known as legendary sats, symbolizing the highest level of exclusivity and value.

  • Pizza sats: From the name, you can already guess they are the satoshis from the transaction on May 22, 2010. This date is now celebrated annually as Bitcoin Pizza Day, commemorating the purchase of two pizzas for 10,000 BTC. These satoshis hold a special place in Bitcoin history, just like the event itself.

Bitcoin Ordinals - Inspiring Creativity

The Bitcoin blockchain has garnered a lot of development interest with the introduction of Bitcoin Ordinals. From inspiring creativity to powering ownership, Ordinals are paving the way for a more innovative Bitcoin ecosystem.

Although the Ordinal space is still in its infancy, its potential impact on the Bitcoin blockchain and the broader blockchain ecosystem is undeniable. Ordinals are pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible on the Bitcoin network.

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